We must Unite! . . .
 if we want to be free!




What an amazing time to be alive on this earth with the opportunity to save America.
We face very unsettling times today…not only in America, but for the entire world.
There are forces of evil in our world today that hate God; they hate God’s children
and they hate America.  If we fall further into communism, we who love our country
will lose most, if not all, of our freedoms.  Our grand-children will never know what
true freedom is really like and the world will become a much darker place.

The United Freedom Alliance is dedicated to educating and organizing the millions
of Americans who wish to see our country returned to its founding principles as set
forth in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
. Restoring our
Country will require those who love America, to actively participate in holding the
courts and government officials accountable to adhere to the Constitution and to 
repeal thousands of unconstitutional laws and regulations. We will tirelessly work
to bring this about by any and all political, social and educational means.

If you are one of the millions of Americans who are crying out for the truth and the
freedoms which have been eroded and suppressed by politicians, judges and activists,
join us. If you feel that America is in danger, help us restore our country with your time,
your money and your prayers.
. You were born at this time in history for a reason.
Your efforts, or lack there of, can be the difference in the future of our country . . . whether
we are able to return to our founding freedoms or continue down a dark, Godless path
toward communism and self-destruction. It’s not too late. Get up! Take action and engage
the enemy. If we unite in overwhelming numbers, we can save America. Join us!


#1-Unite! . . .There are more of us
There are many more of us who love America as founded than there are of those on the left who hate America.
If we are to save America and restore our freedoms for ourselves and our families . . . . we have to UNITE!
The leftists present a united front.  For over 100 years they have sought to destroy America as founded and
replace it with their socialist utopia which only benefits the leaders while causing the rest of society to live in
chaos and misery. We can no longer remain passive. The leftists are at war with us and have no boundaries
of decency or morality in waging this war. They are totalitarian and demand that we submit to their control
even though it is the opposite of everything that we who love America believe in and that America stands for.
There are more of us than there are of them. If we unite in overwhelming numbers, We Can Win!

…..JOIN US!  ….. We have a Winning Strategy! …… WE WILL defeat the left and restore our Country!


#2-Educate! . . . . . Ourselves and others
We have to know our founding principles and why they are far superior to the failed ideology of the left.
The left is totalitarian and tries to impose their ideology and socialist agenda upon everyone else. They lie
and distort history and force false history on our children through the education system and social media.
They force upon us a constant drumbeat of political correctness and cultural degradation.  They have
infiltrated every facet of society and achieved positions of authority with which to enforce their agenda.
The left is not interested in the good of others. It is only interested in power . . . . pure power.
Everything the left touches
results in chaos and misery. They’d rather reign in hell than serve in heaven. .
We must know what we truly believe within ourselves and what the founding principles of America are.
Why America has been so blessed and why it has been a beacon of hope and freedom for the whole world.   
We must teach these things to our children and to our fellow Americans and we must learn how to
communicate them boldly and effectively!


#3-We Must Join the Fight!
As freedom loving Americans, the last thing we want to do is to become involved in politics… unfortunately,
that is where the battle for our nation, our culture and our liberty is being fought. The battle is for the hearts
and minds of millions of Americans who have been misinformed and indoctrinated by a socialist education
system and the leftist news and entertainment media. The battle is for control of our government institutions,
the 530,000 elected positions and the 25 million bureaucrats which control our government. They make the
hundreds of thousands of unconstitutional laws and regulations that we are forced to follow.  At least 75% of
federal government agencies are unconstitutional.  They have usurped power only delegated to the States.
They do not care what the constitution says or what we think about it. They will continue to force their desires
down our throats and they will not stop until they are made to stop. Stand up and help save America!


We have a winning strategy to take the power away from the politicians and return it to those who love America.
We must stand up and hold government accountable to conduct fair elections. We must elect conservative officials
who love America more than they love power. We must remain vigilant to ensure that those we elect adhere to the
constitution, reduce the size and scope of government and restore our freedoms. We must unite together. We must
know and teach others our principles. We must get actively involved. We must find and vote for worthy candidates
in overwhelming numbers . . . . . If we do these things, we can restore our country and our freedoms. Join Us!

You can help save America and . . .
You can save Thousands of dollars each year . . .
from restaurants to groceries to travel to healthcare and much more!

You can make a difference! and . . .
You can make a Great Income!


As a United Freedom Alliance Member or Coordinator you can have a tremendous impact
on whether America remains free or continues down the path to tyranny and communism. 
Join us as we organize and educate millions of fellow Americans to wrestle our country away
from the leftist, socialist-minded ideologies and restore it to the principles of freedom and
self-reliance upon which it was founded.
. If you are one of the millions of Americans who
are crying out for the freedoms which have been eroded and suppressed by judges, activists,
bureaucrats and politicians, join us!  

You were put on this earth for a reason.
What will you tell your children and grandchildren
after all of their freedoms have been taken away and are forced to live under laws you abhor?
Will you sit by and watch your country be totally destroyed by corrupt and immoral people?
Will you continue to only gripe about the government and say “poor me” . . . . . or
will you join the fight to save America and return our country to freedom?
Your efforts, or lack there of, will make a difference in the future of our country.  JOIN US!

You can register with UFA and begin to learn about our true history, the Constitution  and our founding
principles. You can become a member and potentially save thousands of dollars each year with our
member benefits. You can become an Area Coordinator and potentially make a great income while
helping to save America. You can join our Leadership Program and have UFA guarantee your success!

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