We must Educate Ourselves and Others




1. The Declaration of Independence

2. The Declaration of Independence – Morgan Freeman

3. The US Constitution with essays

4. US Constitution with definitions

5. The Federalist Papers

6. Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

7. Ronald Reagan Time for Choosing – 1964

8. The Man in the Arena – Teddy Roosevelt

9. Things you’ve never heard about AMERICA

10. The Story behind The Star Bangled Banner

11. The Unknown Verse of The Star Bangled Banner

12. Tour of the Capitol Building

13. History in Black & White – 12 Parts

14. The Butterfly Effect

15. Walter Williams – Contempt for Liberty

16. Brigitte Gabriel – Are Most Muslims Peaceful?

17. Thomas Sowell – Tax Cuts For The Rich

18. Thomas Sowell – Federal Reserve a ‘Cancer’

19. John Stossel – Climate Change

20. 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

21. Milton Friedman – Responsibility to the Poor

22. Milton Friedman – Why Welfare Doesn’t Work

23. Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America

24. Carl Sagan warns about the scientific community

25. The Specter of Communism – 10 Parts

This list is just a sample of your UFA Freedom Academy offerings.
UFA Members will have access to thousands of articles, books, videos and more!
The United Freedom Alliance will train thousands of Americans to restore our country!


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