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Our Mission
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  Save America!

Evil and corrupt people within and without our country are trying to destroy America.
They hate God and they hate America. There are more of us than there are of them.
We can save our country and restore our freedoms if we wake up and organize the good people of America to take back our rightful place as the masters of our
government. Of the people, by the people, for the people. They work for us! 

-This means we must take back control of our local, State and federal governments
including all the agencies and the 24 million bureaucrats who work within our
agencies. That is 1 out of 8 working age adults drawing salaries from taxpayers.
Politicians and bureaucrats must be held to account for corruption and incompetence.
This must include expulsion, imprisonment and personal financial penalties.

– We must reform our Judicial system to eliminate improper sentencing, corruption
and two tiered justice. Judges must be held accountable for bias and incompetence.
Judges must not be allowed to misinterpret or ignore the common sense rule of law.
We must have a competent, fair and equal system of justice and law enforcement.

-Media bias and dishonesty must be loudly rebuked.  They must be held to account
and penalized for lies, distortion, misinformation, censorship and propaganda.

-Education must be totally taken back. America used to rank #1 in the world in all
categories of education. Since the advent of teachers unions, we now rank 37th in
Mathematics, 24th in Reading and 24th in Science. Almost all current teachers have
graduated from universities that emphasize and indoctrinate potential teachers with
Critical Race Theory, gender-queer studies and DEI. Receiving teacher accreditation
is largely dependent on adherence to these racist and satanic philosophies. The U.S.
education system spends over $15,000 per student each year.  That equates to over
$400,000 per classroom.  The average teacher makes $38,000-$100,000 per year.
Where’s the other $300,000 per classroom going?  They’ve wasted billions of hard-
earned dollars and destroyed our children’s education and ability to think
We’ve had 40 years of leftist indoctrination. Education must be totally taken back!

-Our borders must be secure and protected. America currently has, by some
estimates, over 45 million immigrants who came here illegally. They did not
come here to become Americans and assimilate into our language and culture.
Most retain the language and culture of their former country. 25% of public school
students and 33% of people in poverty within the United States are immigrants. 

We are one nation, but we are also individual states. The federal government has
usurped power that was never granted to them. We believe powers not delegated
to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution are reserved to the States or
to the people.  We will vigorously defend and promote the ideals set forth in our
founding documents by any and all social, political and educational means.


There are more people who love America and want to preserve our history and our freedom
than there are who hate America and want to make it a socialist country. Only about 20% of
the country are true leftists. They appear to be the majority because they are well organized,
well funded, very active and control almost all of the media.

Another 30% vote for democrats because they are are swayed by the democrat’s emotional spin,
dishonest talking points, fear-mongering and promises of government hand-outs. Democrats only
care about control and power. Many of these voters will vote conservative if we help them see the truth.

If we unite and get organized, we will become an unbeatable force. We will be able to defeat entrenched,
liberal politicians, reduce the size of government and restore our country to it’s intended purpose.

The United Freedom Alliance will train thousands of Americans to know our true history, our
founding principles and how to defeat the left. UFA will offer videos, books, articles, essays, and
training materials. We will have regular training sessions, webinars and small group meetings.

We will be involved in the election process, from recruiting good conservative candidates
to becoming officers in our voting precincts and the Republican party at the local and
national level. We will draft people of good character and conservative values to run for office;
candidates who will serve for the purpose of reducing government and restoring our country
to its original purpose. Uniting together, getting involved, having good quality candidates and
voting in overwhelming numbers are the keys to winning elections and restoring our country.

We will find and support good quality candidates to run against and defeat incumbent
politicians who are not upholding our constitution and our traditional values. We will
hold those we elect accountable and vote them out if found lacking. We will demand
the reduction of the size and scope of government; the elimination of wasteful spending,
redundant programs and government agencies. We will repeal onerous laws and burdensome
regulations. We will attend every meeting at every level of government from the local PTA to
the city council to the United States House and Senate. We will voice our desires and concerns.
We will call them. We will write them and we will go see them and hold them accountable at the
voting booth. “We The People” are the rightful masters of government and we will restore our
government to its founding principles.

There are approximately 530,000 elected officials in the United States.
There are roughly 185,000 voting precincts averaging 1,100 registered voters in each precinct.
Most Americans are uninformed and only about 50% of Americans exercise their right to vote.
We will get to know each precinct, each neighborhood, each house and each voter. We will share
with them the true history of our founding and the principles which made America the greatest
nation in the world;  How freedom and capitalism gave Americans the highest standard of living
the world has ever known and why the rest of the world still envies the freedom and prosperity
of America. We will invite them to coffee, to cook-outs, to get-togethers, webinars, meetings
and rallies. A large percentage of them will see that we speak the truth and a certain percentage
will join as members.  If we will unite together, we can restore America.

The United Freedom Alliance will endeavor to recruit and train 20,000 to 50,000 Coordinators
nationwide. Coordinators will simply contact prospective members and invite them to watch a
short video or attend one of our meetings or events.

Coordinators will develop multiple small groups of 5 to 10 members each. These groups will be in contact
with one another through small group meetings, conference calls and webinars where they will have short
discussions of founding principles, local and national concerns as well as action plans for the coming weeks.

Between direct marketing efforts and invitations by other members, Coordinators could have numerous new
members joining with them each month. 20,000 to 50,000 Coordinators enrolling 5 to 20 new members
each month could become millions of educated voters advocating for more freedom and less government.
If we want to be free, we must defeat the left, take back our freedoms and restore our country!




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